Friday, September 21, 2012


    Lincoln is such a tattle-tell.  The crazy thing is that he tells on himself!!!  Each day his teacher sends home a paper with a number corresponding to his conduct for the day.  One is a great day.  Two is that he needs a reminder.  Three he needed a few reminders, and four is a not so great day!  So far, he has had ones everyday.  Last week, he told on himself by letting me know that he had to move his name to yellow, but he did a great job and was able to move it back to green.
    Yesterday, he came home and had a two.  Before his feet hit the ground off the bus, he yelled, "Mom, I got a two today.  Sorry!"  When I asked him why, he said, "I don't remember, but I think I was talking too much.  My teacher doesn't like it when you talk during circle time."  We had a few reminders this morning about being quiet in circle time.  Unfortunately, I can relate.  I think all 13 of my report cards said TALKS TOO MUCH!
   As I was making lunch this morning, he told me that he doesn't like the sandwich rounds I put his sandwich on.  So, I put his lunch meat on a tortilla.  As I was asking him if that was ok, he says, "You know what I do with that bread (sandwich rounds) that you give me?  I throw them in the trash. haha!" Oh that boy!  Hopefully, he keeps tattling on himself.
   Guess what he is saying in the above pictures...........ARHHHHHH!!

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