Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Snowday....sort of

The forecast called for an inch of snow today. By days end we had about two inches. Toto, we are not in Ohio anymore. Around 10:30 we got an announcement that they were calling an early release. WHAT???? Early release for two inches??? Oh well, I am not complaining! When I left at one the roads were PERFECT for my commute. When Nate got home, he and Ethan played in the snow. Link has a little cold so he stayed in.
I took a few pictures outside, but quickly moved in to take them from the window. It was COLD!
Ethan making snow angels.
Link called "DADA" over, and over, and over! Nate started throwing snowballs at the window. He thought it was hilarious. (Notice the snowball coming at Link)

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