Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Mommy....he's cleaning again!

Well...I got my camera out today. So, there are a lot of pictures and lots of stories.
The first one was after dinner today. Ethan and Lincoln and I were dancing around the living room and we wanted Nate to play with us. I noticed he was not in the living room, so I called for him and told him to stop cleaning and come play. He said he needed to finish one thing and we would be there. So, we finished dancing to the song and Ethan noticed that Nate was wiping off the table. Ethan yells, "Mommy he's cleaning again!" Nate called him a trader.
It rained this afternoon and we were all bummed that we couldn't go to the pool. It stopped raining and we needed to get these munchkins outside. So we all went out to play under the patio. Lincoln spilled bubbles on himself and he crawled in the wet grass. These are pictures of his dirty little body! We also went on a walk to the playground with the Cerms. Ethan climbed up a HUGE moutain of rocks and jumped into a puddle. I was such a proud Momma. He is such a little chicken. I was so happy he climbed up by himself.

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