Thursday, June 19, 2008

Jammer Day

Today we had our first Jammer Day! It's hard to believe that we have been off for almost three weeks and we have not had a Jammer Day, yet! I just put them both down to nap in their pajamas. Ethan and I do have to change later. We are off to our fourth night of Vacation Bible School. It is taking it's toll on our man. I had to wake them both up at 9:00 this morning. Then, he asked for nap around one.
The following pictures are from a hilarious breakfast. I had to spoon feed Ethan because he wanted to stay in his pajamas and he was afraid he would get milk on them. So, when we finished, he drank the milk from his bowl. He would peak his eyes out at Link and Link would crack up laughing. It was hysterical!

1 comment:

Our life... said...

I love jammer days!! I haven't had one yet either!!!! The boys are so dang cute!! I know you're enjoying being home w/them.