Friday, May 8, 2009

Preschool with Mommy

I took Ethan to school this morning with me for a preschool nature walk. He was SO excited to see all my kid friends. He played in the classroom for a while and then we headed out on our walk.
This is so sad, but I have been working here for nine months and I had no idea that there was a Nature Preserve literally down the hill from us! It was GORGEOUS! We saw ducks.We saw caterpillars, worms, and turtles. The kids had a blast. Shelley and I took him back to school at noon. I seriously thought he was going to fall asleep in car!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

He looks so big! Since we do not live right next door, can you give us ideas for Links birthday present? I have no idea what he has and doesn't have anymore.