Thursday, May 7, 2009

I'm gonna miss.....

Nate's leaving for a couple weeks tomorrow. We played a game tonight at dinner to talk about him leaving. We each took turns saying, "I'm gonna miss _________'s _________." Some of the things we are gonna miss about Daddy are his eyes, nose, red hair, snuggles, and cleaning!! He's gonna miss our laughs, hugs, kisses, and snuggles! Hurry home Daddy O'Dee!
We also had swimming lessons tonight! Ethan was FABULOUS! He is getting so brave and trying so many things. He became so brave that he thought he could swim by himself. He told me to let go and he could do it. I got him all the way to the edge. He was semi-swimming and I let go. He went under to his eyes and I pulled him up. He just coughed and that was it...NO SCREAMING!!! YEAH!!! In six short lessons he has gone from clinging on me for dear life to swimming with a life jacket! PROGRESS!!

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