Monday, May 25, 2009

Memorial Day chores

Nate and I saved today to get most of our chores done. We both slept in and got a late start. Our washing machine started spewing water onto the floor last week, so we knew we needed to go to the Laundromat today. We were able to get FOUR loads done in an hour. Impressive!!
Next, we headed to Woodbridge, VA. My dresser drawer broke for the umpteenth time and we decided to get a new one. We also wanted to get Link a big boy bed. We stopped off and bought him a mattress, then drove to IKEA. We ate lunch and started the search. We found a dresser, a wardrobe, and Link's bed. When we went down the the pickup area, we heard the downpour of rain. I thought maybe it's a quick shower. HA! There was only one bed (and it was open). The dresser was out of stock. We didn't even look for the wardrobe. There was no way this rain was letting up. Neither of us felt like spending hundreds of dollars on furniture and then having it rain on the furniture for half an hour. So, we drove back to Alexandria to get an oil change. Jiffy Lube and every other lube place was closed. We bought groceries and called it a day.
Nate is still napping and is going to head to PA tonight to get the boys. Memaw and Pappy said that they have worn them out! They did something special with them everyday. They took them to a play, an amusement park, Nan and Paps, and to see some local animals. Pappy took them for so many tractor rides that when we called last night he was having to fill up the tractor with gas. Link has started teasing Memaw by telling her that he is PapPap's boy. Ethan told Memaw that today was going to be a sad day because he was going to have to leave. Thankfully, Memaw was able to tell him that he didn't have to leave until tomorrow, so he could enjoy today!
Nate's off for the next two days. It's back to the old grind for me tomorrow. Thankfully, I will have my husband and kids to come home to!

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