Saturday, August 22, 2009


I am comparing this toddler to Alvin because he is just as much trouble as Alvin. PLUS....he loves those darn chipmunks so much. He and Ethan were calling Simon, Theodore, and ALVIN very loudly in the car tonight.
Yesterday morning, Ethan and I went to get Link, and he was diaperless. When I asked him (not so calmly), "What in the world are you doing?" He answered, "Diaper wet." My genius idea, to teach him a lesson, was to wash all his "favorite blankies" while he was napping. He begged me for them, and I told him, "NO, you peed on them. Keep your diaper on!" I left the room with him screaming and expecting him to fall asleep soon. An hour later, he was still screaming. The blankets were cleaned and dry. SO, I took them up to him. He smiled and said, "favorite blankie." Then he rolled over and snuggled up with them and quickly fell asleep! SPOILED BRAT!!!

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