Wednesday, April 30, 2008

First Birthday

Lincoln turned ONE on Sunday. We had a small family party....Ok the Cerminaro's and Van Meter's came, but they are as close as family. Memaw and Pappy were here. Lincoln tried cake for the first time and didn't know what to think. Nate had to feed it to him with a spoon. When he offered him ice cream, he was more excited. He had a great time playing with all the kids. I know it is so cliche but I just can't believe he is already one! Man how time flies.


Maggie said...


Sounds like a fun time! I can't get over the BLOND hair! He sure favors Ethan in that first picture. Hope all is well, Leap Family! We love seeing the green grass in the old neighborhood. Hey....feel free to run next door and use our old swing set. I hear it NEVER gets used! Talk soon!

The Silveys

Unknown said...

Awwww! I love the first picture! You need to get it enlarged and framed! I love it!

Jennifer said...

He's adorable. I'm so glad we finally got back in touch with each other. Brooke won't be one until September, but I know the time will fly.

Our life... said...

Gosh...I think it's been a year since we made contact again. You were pregnant w/Lincoln!! Time flies!! BTW...I totally remember the mauve glasses in the 7th grade!! hahahaha Talk to ya soon!!
