Monday, April 21, 2008

How little brains work!

As we drove up to daycare today, Ethan yells out, "Mommy, the red balls are over the fence." I notice two red balls on the other side of the playground. Then he says, "We will never be able to get under that fence to get them before those teachers see us." At first I laughed...then I said..."NO--you can't do that. You need to tell Ms. Terry." So, as soon as we walked in, he told Ms. Terry!
He is so darn funny!


Lindsey said...

How can you not melt at that face!

Our life... said...

YAY!! I'm so excited to see you on here too!! Your boys are precious!! When are you guys moving?? Jennifer isn't far from D.C. and we've actually considered seeing them this summer. It would be awesome if we could all get together!!