Sunday, August 29, 2010

Into the Lions Den

We went to the zoo on Friday. It was our last hurrah together and Nate took the day off. Ethan woke up in one bad mood!! It was one of those moods where nothing we did could make him happy! BUT, Link was ready to go and was super excited! When we walked up to the panda, we noticed he was eating bamboo. He stopped and started walking to the next pile of bamboo.Lincoln immediately got out of the stroller and started walking like the panda.
Once he got his bamboo, he turned his back to us and Link was ready to move on.
He had to stop and pet this one, though.
Ethan continued his moodiness. He started huffing and puffing. When we got close to the lions, I told him if he didn't get rid of his attitude I was throwing him in with the lions. I got a smidge of a smile out of him.
Lincoln did not get my humor and once he saw the lion he said, "Mommy frow E-han in now!"

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