Saturday, March 1, 2008

First day back!

After a full eight days home, Lincoln made it back to school pretty healthy. Ethan made it back after six days home. This has been the longest week ever. I stay home for three months during the summer and it's never been as bad as this past week. It's amazing how sunshine and warm weather changes a mood. We need warm weather so bad!!! The upside of us being home was we were the ones that got to see Lincoln crawl! He's doing really well. Ethan has not had a great week. He had three really bad days at school. Yesterday morning when I took him to school, I told him if he listened and took a nap at school he could have M&M's and a movie after school. He told me, "No, I am not going to nap. I am not going to be BERY good." Ughh..sure he enough when I got there he was on the REDLINE. I hope that this weekend changes everyone's mood! Including MINE!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Awww Man does Ethan ever look like Nate in this picture! Loved seeing Lincoln crawl last night and I can't believe how he pushed us with his back legs! Too big, too fast!