Saturday, March 15, 2014

Potzburg Wildlife Park

We have had beautiful weather for weeks now!  So, as soon as we make outdoor weekend plans, it turns cold and yucky!  We all bundled up and headed to Potzburg Wildlife Park for some playing and the bird show.  Lincoln brought along his best friend, Julian.
Right away we saw some cool owls.  
We walked the entire park and all the animals were bunched up near the trees.  
We were behind the fence and couldn't get a good look.  
This buffalo was the only animal who got close to us!
The views from the park were AMAZING!
After an hour of exploring, the boys were ready for the bird show.  We came two summers ago without Nate.  You can read about it here.   It was so scary then.  We were new to Germany and weren't sure what the guy was telling us.  This time.....we thought we were prepared!
UNTIL, the guy told us to get up and take the leather glove he was passing out.  WHAT???
It turns out that we were going to be holding the birds!
Julian LOVED it.  He kept his glove on and caught the birds over and over!
Nate loved it!
Ethan had fun, but was very cautious!
Lincoln went and hid behind a shed!
I was able to get Link out of hiding to take my picture.
I finally bribed the kid with a homemade cake if he would try it!!!
He even smiled!
And then the crazy bird flew right at me!
I love this picture of Ethan!
Still smiling.....
Lincoln tried it one more time before we left.  It was so much fun.  We got to "play" with the birds for a about thirty minutes.  Ethan has already asked if we can go back tomorrow!

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