Monday, August 5, 2013

Europa Park

On Saturday, we went to Europa park.  
 The park reminded us of Disney (mainly Epcot) a lot!  
The park is divided into different European countries.

 Germany had Grimm's Fairy Tale Village.  Here is the house from Hansel and Gretel.
 England had the Big Bus and the Crazy Taxi!

 They had some unique food choices.  This hotdog has chicken and pickles!
 We stuck to fish and chips for lunch and pasta for dinner.
 There were quite a few rides that Link was not tall enough for.  We found a pirate playground and he and I played while Ethan and Nate rode a roller coaster.
Ethan loved a roller coaster in the Switzerland section!
 These crazy drivers kept getting too close!
 Behind the fellas is a Venice canal.
 This ride was called Sleigh Ride Snowflake.  Let me tell you it was a lot like It's a Small World.
 Link and I found a few relaxing rides while Nate and Ethan went roller coaster riding again.
 When they came back, he told Ethan that we went on two rides.  Ethan said, "THAT'S NOT FAIR!!"  Link said, "Oh they weren't your kind of rides.  There was no action.  It was relaxing."  
 We saw princesses.  Not sure what they were from.
If you have any doubt that this place is like Disney, check out their mascots!!!
We had such a good time.  We are not sure when we will have time to go back, 
but I think we will have to try!

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