Sunday, March 20, 2011


President's Day, the boys (including Aaron and Justin) and I went to Spike's restaurant, Good Stuff. This is one of Mar's favorite restaurants. I was just a little mean and texted her (she was at work) to ask her what kind of milkshake I should get while I was there. She told me we BETTER get there while she was here this visit. So, Saturday morning we headed to Spike's. Nate decided Super Link should fly down the DC streets to the restaurant. He, not so politely, informed Nate that he was NOT Super Link.....he was CATWOMAN!!
Spike recently opened a pizza place next to Good Stuff called We the Pizza! We went there instead of Good Stuff. Our little Catwoman has been asking for pizza all week so he was super happy to get a huge piece of cheese. I should also mention that he ate all the sausage off of mine and a lot of Mar's white pizza!
This fella is ALL about the cheese!!!

1 comment:

Joanna Maloney said...

Could your family be any cuter? While the rest of us are sleeping in or watching tv, you are doing the most educational and fun trips ever!! Love the blog.