Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Eat your veggies!

So Ethan is practically a vegetarian. He finishes fruit and veggies before anything else on his plate. The above STINKER-LINKER despises vegetables. I have become a great pureer. I can sneak puree veggies in everything. Tonight I decided to try a trick that worked like a charm on Ethan when he was Link's age.....the M&M bribe. He has started requesting the M&M's by color soooo I thought this would be perfect....hmmmm not so much. I tried asking him to eat a whole green bean for an M&M...NO. I broke it in half and he actually put it in his mouth....but quickly spit it out. By now he's mad and really wants it....so I break it into the tiniest piece EVER. He goes for it...he swallows...SCORE!! He takes three more bites (all for M&M's). The three bites equaled a half of a green bean. I go for a bigger piece. The green mess you see on his lips is the green bean he chewed and spit out. Guess we'll keep trying but I'm not holding my breath.

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