These have been said by E this week:
Me: What did you learn about today?
E: Firedrills
Me: What is your favorite thing about school?
E: Gym.....oh and recess!
Me: What was your favorite thing today?
E: The coloring.
Me: How was your day?
E: It was amazing. We played lots of games!
Nate: What did you do today?
E: I can't remember.
***In his defense, I bombard him with questions when he gets home. Then, Nate comes home and he doesn't want to recap again!****
Ethan is terrified of fire alarms. He says it hurts his ears. His teacher warned the class that Thursday was a fire drill day. He was so nervous that morning. When I picked him up, he was grinning and said, "MOM. It was not bad. At preschool the fire drill goes BAAAAA BAAAAAA BAAAAA, but at school just goes baaaa baaaa baaaa!" He cracks me up!